Sunday, September 03, 2006

Medieval Feast and Other Things.

We're in the midst of preparations for our medieval feast, which is tomorrow. The menu is going to be rotisserie chicken (from the store), bubble and squeak, toad in a hole, lentils and pie (which is supposed to be mincemeat, but an emergency substitution for pecan was made) along with baked apples. All of this will be served on trenchers and we will be drinking apple cider from goblets. Costumes are optional, but the kids will be dressing up. We've made tapestries to decorate the room and we will have a jester (youngest son) performing between courses. It should be interesting to try and eat these dishes without forks as we understand that forks were not used in the middle ages, only spoons, knives and hands.

Regarding my posting times, below, I see they are being set back 3 hours and I may try to figure out how to fix it one day when I'm not printing out recipes and trying to get ready for a feast. (I am the queen you know!)

Update on the X-Box 360 that my son won, he has a few games now. A kind friend has loaned us a few. I tried to talk him into selling it and buying toys, but no luck. He wants to keep it.

Schedule note - Of course I made a few changes to the schedule. I can't leave it alone, now can I? Since the kids never seemed to be sure what to do when I listed "exercise" I put a list of exercises down at the bottom for them to refer to. I'm adding more writing in for my daughter and more reading for youngest son. For oldest son, I'm going to start assigning books for him to read. I've been letting him choose his own books and he's been reading Star Wars as we study medieval times. I tried not to mess with the actual times because my oldest son does not like it when I change the times or the schedules.

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