Thursday, August 31, 2006

Medieval Studies/Kings and Queens.

We're getting ready to do a medieval feast for our kings/queens middle ages unit and the preparations are under way. The kids are making tapestries and crowns and we'll get with my mom this weekend to make costumes. We are trying to plan a menu of foods that people really ate in the middle ages. The kids are going to hand write invitations on paper that we've tried to make look aged by dying it with coffee. We found a CD of medieval music at the library. I hope it turns out to be an event that they remember for a long time and enjoy. I'll try to post pictures if the person who took my camera cord from my computer ever brings it back. (Hint. Hint.)


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Thank you for all your wonderful information. You are truly a beautiful person. I LOVE to read your blogs!! You are an inspiration to this homeschooling Mom. It is nice to hear someone else with the same complaints as me.
    I did notice that you post at 4 & 5 am. When do you sleep????
    We don't get up before 8:30 am!!!
    Thanks for your help!!

  2. This sounds like so much fun! I bet they'll remember this unit! I hope you get your cord returned, I want to see pictures.
