Monday, September 04, 2006

The Feast Went Well.

I think everyone enjoyed most of it. I think I must've done something wrong on the bubble and squeak, because it wasn't good, but everything else turned out okay. Our family usually doesn't do anything much for labor day, so this gave us a reason to get together and celebrate something, I guess in a way we were celebrating homeschooling. The kids decorated and set the table while I finished the cooking and DH went to the store for the rotisserie chicken, so it was really a team effort. I'll post some pictures when I can.


  1. It sounds like you had a good time! I can't wait to see pictures.

    what is bubble and squeak?

  2. Bubble and squeak is a dish that has potatoes, onions, cabbage and bacon in it (according to the recipe I used) but there are tons of different recipes for it on the internet. It was mentioned in a book we were reading called The Shakespeare Stealer, so we decided to try it.

  3. Actually, with a name like "bubble and squeak", I'm thinking my boys would love it! LOL

  4. Trust me, the Toad in a Hole was much better and very easy. It basically involved putting previously cooked sausage in a pan and pouring bisquick over it then baking it. It was to be served with jam and butter and it was very good.
