Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Now that our feast is over, we've mostly concluded our Kings/Queens/Medieval Unit and we will take a few days to get reorganized before proceeding. I'm thinking of moving our school work area into my daughter's bedroom for a couple of reasons. First, my DH is home in the morning and would like to watch TV after work, but the TV is only a few feet from the kitchen table and there's no door between the living room and kitchen (small house!). Second, if we want to eat at the kitchen table, we have to clear off all the homeschool stuff. We got a new bunk/loft bed for my daughter's room (cheap, through a homeschool loop!) and we will be setting that up in there and then we will see if there's enough room for a small table we can use to do our work on.

I'm also not sure what unit we will do next. The medieval study was kind of a review and I just let my daughter choose what she wanted to learn about, from the book. I don't know if I'll continue with the obedience unit or if we'll do a chronological study or if we'll let one of my sons choose a unit next. We're still doing math and language arts and PE in the mornings and organizing in the afternoons. I didn't want to stop school altoghter to get organized. We've got some good momentum going on our basic studies in the morning and I don't want to loose it!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about not wanting to loose the momentum, there's times I hate to stop for weekends just because the week was going so smoothly.
