Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Winner?

My youngest son entered a contest run by a TV network to win an XBox. He actually won and it arrived today. An XBox 360 with 3 games. Unfortunately, only one of the games would play on the XBox 360 and it was one he does not like, some kind of basketball game. The other 2 were compatible only with the old XBox. We've had a very frustrated 8 year old around here this afternoon.


  1. You've got to be kidding! I think I'd call the station and let them know that they sent games that don't even work as the prize! Let them know that next time they run some promotion like this, they might want to check into that! Have you got a Game Exchange place any where near you? We don't, but my stepdaughter has traded some of the boys' games for them.

  2. We have a Gamestop and we'll probably go there. Crazy, huh?
