Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Today we got quite a bit accomplished in school. We are working in KONOS in the kings and queens/middle ages section under the obedience unit. We've been learning quite a bit. I went ahead and started my 3rd grader in Sequential Spelling which I hope will help his reading. It's funny how the youngest is the opposite of my 2 older kids. His reading is a bit behind and his math reasoning is out of this world. The other two kids are good readers but struggle a little bit with math. I'm getting a lot of good stuff for notebooking the middle ages unit here at Highland Heritage Forms. This is a great web site!

For lunch, I made beans and brown rice, which I haven't made for a long time and apparently it was quite interesting to the younger two kids. My youngest kept running into where his 13-year-old brother was reading and reporting things like "The rice is brown when it comes out of the package. You don't have to cook it for it to be brown." and "The beans are white." (They were great northern beans.) My older son takes this all in stride and makes remarks like "That's cool." and "That's interesting." He's going to be a great Dad some day. ;-)


  1. That website really does look good, I'm going to have to check it out more later!
    I've never had beans and brown rice.

  2. It cracks me up what kids find fascinating! Things (like brown rice and beans) that we often take for granted as "it just IS" become a huge learning experience for them. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is something we all should pursue. It keeps your perspective fresh.

    I read your mechanical pencil post below, and I happen to prefer them for writing. Don't have to have a sharpener around, just *click click click* aqnd you're ready to rock! Now for drawing... ALWAYS a real pencil. Always.
