Monday, August 28, 2006

Day Off.

The kids get a day off school today. DH and I are off work today and have some errands to run. (One of them is picking up our completed homestudy!) Mondays are like that though. It's my day off work and sometimes we get twice as much schoolwork done, it seems like, and sometimes we get nothing done, like today. Homeschool life is just like that, I guess. As long as we get our 180 days of school done this year, it will be fine. That's one thing I really like about homeschooling, the flexibility. So far, this year, we've done 11 days of school.


  1. The flexibilty is one of the things we really take advantage of, my boys wanted to start before the public school so they could have a longer fall break. lol

  2. It's great, isn't it? Fall is a good time to have days off because the weather is usually so good.
