Friday, August 18, 2006

One Week!

We finished our first week of school and it was pretty good, mostly painless. We did have one hissy fit yesterday by a child who shall remain nameless and should know better ... but overall not too bad. Dad made the "do you want to go back to public school?" speech one time and hopefully that will be the only time we need to that this year. They don't want to go back to public school. I went through the whole range of emotions this week, feeling encouraged that we had gotten started and were learning some things one day, then feeling like I'm not doing enough the next day but that's normal, for me anyway. I do feel the need to add more grammar/language arts for my daughter and I will work on getting that done. Overall though, a pretty good start to our third (??) year of homeschooling.


  1. Darn, I can't use that one! He knows I will never send him back to the place! But since I don't give "real" homework- I could use that! I don't need to give out homework- if he didn't get it the first time I go over it again.

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    just stumbled across your blog...I am considering letting my oldest "try" public this year so that if they choose to come home, they will really appreciate it. They are great kids and all that and I don't want to send them away but I think if they went and then came home that they would have a new appreciation - you know?
    This started because my 11 year old daughter and 8 year old son have actually expressed an interest in going. Email me with your thoughts? erinsbigsister at

  3. I don't know. My kids have been in the public school system and they never want to go back, so I really don't have any advice. I've always said, though, if they want to go back, they can. You might try it at the end of the year, maybe let them start in January and go until June and see what they think?
