Sunday, August 20, 2006

A little bit better.

I did a little bit of organizing today. Our kitchen table, where we do school, gets to be a mess very, very quickly. So today I got it a bit more organized. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I went to the library on Friday and they have so many good books on the middle ages and I got tons of them. I also went online and found some really good printables for this week. While I was sick, I kind of felt like I just couldn't do it this year, but now that things are coming together a little bit and I'm feeling better physically, I'm feeling better about school as well.

I have an entry in this week's Carnival of Homeschooling. Check it out.


  1. First week of school! Momma! I am out of the loop...I have two children that will be in private school, and one, my 2nd grader, at home and we haven't even finished decding what/how/when for the curriculum...(spelling there...and I am going to be the teacher???!)

    Anyway...I am going to check out some of your links...!

  2. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I agree you do feel better about yourself and homeschooling once you have things a bit organized. I wrote an article on organization and homeschooling on my website You might be interested in checking it out. Good Luck with this new school year!!!!!!

  3. Isn't it amazing how fast things can get messy? We spent an hour yesterday looking for a book that both Derik and Bryan are reading, finally found it in Derik's room.
    I'm glad you're feeling better
