Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Finally, we started school. Actually, we started Friday, but I didn't want to say anything since we were having such a difficult time getting started this year. I was afraid I'd jinx it. After much difficult decision making, I ordered A/O Lifepacs as the curriculum for my oldest son. He's starting high school this year and has outgrown the KONOS curriculum (officially, it's K-8). I didn't start him in the KONOS high school curriculum because he wanted some workbooks. He enjoys workbooks. He'll also be sitting in on our KONOS sessions in the afternoons with the younger kids. With that decision made, I feel much better.

I also didn't do the big house cleanup before school started like I planned because I wasn't feeling well. I've been to the doctor now and as soon as the antibiotic kicks in, maybe I'll start on that... Actually, I've added several chores to the kids daily lists and having them back on chore duty, which we neglected during the summer, will help. It feels good to be back into the routine.


  1. Funny how some kids "like" workbooks! Get better soon!!!!

  2. I hope you're feeling better soon!
    I didn't get our house cleaned before we started either, I barely even got the schoolroom cleaned.
