Friday, August 11, 2006

Mechanical Pencils.

I picked up some mechanical pencils at the grocery tonight. The kids love them. Personally, I don't. I'm always breaking the leads. Give me real pencils any day. Anyway, there were 24 pencils in the package. The kids figured out that they'd each get 8 pencils. The only problem was that some of the pencils were purple and our daughter is not crazy about the color people and our sons didn't want to look unmasculine. So, the boys opened the package and discussed this, then they went into the room where my daughter was and said "You are going to HAVE to take the purple ones, because we're boys and you're not."



  1. I'm not a fan of mechanical pencils either. Give me a real pencil any day. Nice and sharp, I hate it when they get dull.

  2. I like a real pencil with a really sharp point! You can send the purple ones to us - my daughter loves purple - her whole bedroom is purple!
