Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Best Laid Plans ...

Well, we planned to, but we didn't start school yesterday. Things happened. Life got in the way. Today we already ahd a kind of a field trip planned ... well, actually, we were going to the pool, but we already had it planned and we didn't change it. So, school has not started here at our house. There's always tomorrow, I guess. I did go to the library and get a ton of really good looking books and we might even start reading one of them tonight.

I talked to one homeschool mom who said that she doesn't plan in advance, she just writes educational things down after they do them and I might just have to start doing that. We didn't do school yesterday, but the kids got out a giant box of legos and built things, built castles with the Klutz castle building cards and my daughter read a bunch of Shel Silverstein poetry to the boys while they were building. I'm not counting it as school time, but I don't think it was wasted time either. There was some learning going on.

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