Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Field Trip!!!

Here in Kentucky, going to the state fair is an excused absence from school, since school starts at least a week before the fair starts, these days, and school groups can get reduced price fair tickets. We got some from our homeschool group and made a trek to the fair yesterday. I hadn't been since I was a teenager. It is really something. We had a good time and at least the 2 younger kids want to go back today. My official position on that is "not unless your Dad takes you."

Here's a partial list of the things we did and saw: a rock climbing wall, an obstacle course, tropical fish (Nemo!), a giant kalidoscope, a giant world map, a giant globe hanging from the ceiling, a demonstration of extreme biking, several bands including 1 big name free concert, rides, fishing pond (for a prize), up close and personal to a police car, a helicopter, a city bus, army trucks and tanks and a tractor, pigs, goats, sheep, hatching baby chicks, pedal car racing and toured a portable history museum. We also saw a display of armor, swords and chain mail and the kids got to try them all on. The swords are surprisingly heavy.

Overall, it was very educational and very fun. I think we saw maybe 1/20 of the available things to see.


  1. Anonymous3:40 AM

    field trips are some of the best ways to impart education especially to students. It gives them the chance to be up close to the subject discussed and may even get to try some of the stuff. It is also a fun activity that they will surely remember.

  2. How fun!! Our State fair isn't for another month.
