Thursday, August 24, 2006

Is it too soon?

Okay, it'll be 2 weeks tomorrow and I'm starting to get a case of burnout. Can that be possible? I'm already getting irritated at the kids for not doing what they need to do when I need for them to do it. I seem to be getting a lot of "I'll do that later." and while a lot of the things that they are doing are not bad things, they are just not the things that I need them to do so I can check them off as done. I'm getting frustrated with everyone Grrr. Actually, this sounds like just plain old frustration instead of burnout. I'm frustrated at the kids, at DH and at myself for procrastinating. We all need that procrastination book I procrastinated about getting last week.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Hi there. I found your blog through the A2Z website. You have teens right? Have you read the Teenage Liberation Handbook? It might help with the burnout thing. Also, have you considered the local CC if there is one?

    Here in California, we have an awesome teen advisor who helps teens figure out what they need to do to meet their goals. If you would like me to send you his email, I can do that.

    2 weeks is definitely too early for burnout. If you are already burned out, something's not right. Gotta try something else. Good luck!
