Sunday, August 27, 2006

Purple Toes.

Friday, I was moving my younger son's bed and dropped a large part of it on my right big toe. The previous day my older son had been playing badminton and decided to move the big pole that held the net and dropped that on his right pinky toe (We don't use the dinky little net poles that come with it). Now each of us has a purple and very painful toe. We've been limping around and feeling sorry for ourselves. I don't think either of our toes are broken, just bruised. We decided in a very silly moment the other night that we would form a purple toe club and all you had to do to join it was drop a heavy object on your foot. So far, we've had no takers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    i dropped a heavy shop sweets jar on my right foot yesterday . it was full of cadburys heros.

    today its got a loverly green mark on the big toe hurts like hell and foot is warm and stiff and feels like there something in the courner of the toe beding etc hurts and it makes me feel faint to touch it or stand

    good job im in my wheelchair most of the time
