Wednesday, August 09, 2006

"You'll Only Make Him Worse"

That was the comment we got from my youngest son's first grade teacher, the day we pulled him out to homeschool. We had started homeschooling our oldest that August and it was going well. We weren't really planning on homeschooling the younger two kids until they were ready for middle school. I had read an article about a family that had homeschooled just during the middle school years and really, that was our plan at first. It just snowballed from there.

My husband went to an odd work shift and was barely seeing the younger kids; homeschooling with the oldest was going well, and then the youngest started to hate first grade and started crying every day. Middle girl said she was doing okay, but she was in a split class 3/4 grades and I could see that she was starting to get lost in the shuffle there.

Things just seemed to be pointing towards homeschooling for everybody.

We told the kids that Friday would be their last day at school. Younger son told his teacher and she called me to tell me that pulling him out, as shy as he was, would only make his shyness worse and he'd never get over it. I had some sleepless nights over her comments, because she is a very good school teacher and I respect her a lot.

Turns out though, she was wrong. Last week, at VBS commencement, the leader asked if anyone wanted to come up and tell what they had learned. Youngest son's hand was the first one up. He got up, took the microphone, faced the audience without even the tiniest hint of shyness and explained to everyone what he had learned about ice worms, using words like "Fahrenheit" and "disintegrate". (They are interesting critters!)

This one incident probably doesn't prove the teacher wrong, but this has been just one in a continuing process of this child coming out of his shell, gaining confidence, speaking up and feeling proud of himself.



  1. Hurray for you AND your son! You should write the nay-saying teacher a note and let her know how "damaged" your child is! HA!

    We have homeschooled forever (feels like it some days) but the rewards are amazing and my two (ages 14 and 16) are very outgoing. So much for that socialization issue!

  2. Good for you! Don't worry about what ps teachers say. My son's third grade teacher told my he was too immature because he just wanted to play. Of course he was, he was 8 years old!

    I had negative reactions from the ps when I pulled my kids out but they are doing better now than even I thought they would.

  3. A big Way to go! to your son! :)

  4. I'm really glad you posted this... it encourages me because I withdrew my 3rd grader this year for that exact reason. She is too timid...and doesn't stand up for herself. I feel in my heart that a loving, safe environment can only help her build her confidence as she interacts with people of all ages and her dad and I can guide her through those tough moments... and then let her go!

    Thanks for the affirmation! And WAY TO GO!

  5. Wow, that's a great story. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thank you for posting this entry. I have one in Public school and one at home school. I sometimes feel like the resident "nut." I am just trying to meet each child's individul needs, and if the day comes the other would be better served being at home, then we will do that. Knowing someone else on the planet has had similar experiences gives me great comfort. Thanks again.
