Saturday, July 01, 2006

Sticks and eyes, revisited.

My youngest son came walking into the house with a stick again today. I reminded him that sticks were off limits until we could get some protective eyewear. He walked back out with the stick and I thought he was getting rid of it. He came back a few minutes later and said that his older brother was making the stick into a musical instrument. Thinking he might be annoyed that his older brother took his stick away, I asked him if he thought that was good or bad. He gave me that look that says "duh" (although thankfully he didn't say it) and spoke to me slowly, as if I might not understand and said "It's good. I don't poke myself in the eye with musical instruments."


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Hey~!Thanks for commenting at my site! I posted the banana bread recipe for you, along with a link to your page!
    Have a great day!

  2. Snicker... sorry... it slipped out!

  3. LOL! That's too cute!
    And what is the deal with boys and sticks?? My younger ones always find sticks, I've even caught them trying to sneak sticks home by putting them on the running boards of my suburban! (For the record, the sticks will actually stay on the running boards!)
