Tuesday, July 04, 2006

More on Eyes.

Yesterday, my Dad called me and told me that he had gotten his contact lens stuck in his eye. I am a long time contact lens wearer and pretty good about putting them in and getting them out so he wanted to see if I could help him get this out. I got a flashlight and looked in his eye but didn't see anything, so he ended up going to a walk in clinic. The nurse practitioner at the clinic got it out easily, then she said, "You know, of all the people who've come in here over the years, thinking that they have a contact lens stuck in the eye, you are the only one who actually had one in there." I thought it was funny.


  1. This is why I still wear glasses!

  2. Wow! I actually find it kind of amazing that he's the only one who really had one in his eye!
