Saturday, July 01, 2006

Revised Summertime List.

This list is working for me, so I'm proud of it. The kids have to do some things from the list before any electronic media comes on. They still officially get the same amount of screen time as always, but with the list, sometimes they get interested in something and forget to turn on the game cube or TV. Yesterday, the game cube did not come on at all. Instead, they started drawing pictures and making notebooks to keep their pictures in. Here's the revised list for the next week or so, depending on how it is going and depending on when we start school.

Go on a bike ride.
Catch a bug.
Give Lucy a treat. (Lucy, our outside dog, is loving this.)
Brush the cats and dogs.
Board Game.
Card Game.
Dice game.
Hide and Seek.
Whammy ball. (This is our own made-up game and the rules constantly change, so I can't exactly explain it.)
Jump rope.
Science experiment. (We have a book and a kit for this.)
Read a book.
Reading treasure hunts.
Draw a picture.
Paint a picture.
Make something out of playdough or modeling clay.
Make something out of Zomes, atollos, legos or tinkertoys.
Set up marble run.
Dress 2 Barbies.
Set up the Barbie doll house.
Coloring book, 2 pages.
Make a maze.
Make an obstacle course.

There's also a chore section to the list but it hasn't gone as well, since they are pretending that the chore section does not exist, but we are working on it.


  1. This reminds me, we've got a marble run around here somewhere. I ought to dig it out.

  2. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Great idea! I'm enjoying your posts, decided to google "homeschool blogs" and found yours on I'll be back!
