Sunday, July 30, 2006

Maybe A Little Break.

We've kept pretty busy lately and I'm feeling the need for a little break. We've got 3 events next weekend, a wedding, a baby shower and my daughter's 10th birthday, so we'd better rest up between now and then, right? I have not too much planned for this week and we may go ahead and gently start school on Wednesday when the county school kids do, just so we'll be on the same schedule as them.

A part of me thinks we should clean and organize the house completely before we start, but that probably won't happen! We'll probably just do the minimum and start. If we waited until everything was perfect, we'd never get started!


  1. Yeah, I always want to start with a clean and organized home, too. It never works out.
    Wow! That's alot for one weekend!

  2. Busy is an understatement! *LOL*
