Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Is it Wednesday already?

We did not start school today. The county school kids did but we didn't. I worked and did some errands and the kids did their own thing, which included going out and playing badminton until they were very, very hot and then coming in to cool off. As soon as they cooled off, they were back out there again. I'm probably going to go out and play a game with them sometime soon, after the temperature drops a tiny bit. We're really in a heat wave here. (DH, if you're reading this, I would still like to put the pool up this year. Hint. Hint.)

The kids have really been on a badminton kick since they played at a friend's house a while back and they are getting pretty good. It's a good game that's cheap and easy to set up and it's good exercise, so I'm all in favor of it.

I am now thinking that we will start school next week. I really do want to get the house cleaned up and get the homeschool shelves a bit more organized before we start. We can catch up with the public school kids by not taking as long of a fall break or spring break. They take 2 1/2 weeks. I think it's a bit long anyway. We'll take a week and catch up with them. Contrary to what a lot of people believe about homeschooled kids, my kids have a lot of friends that they like to get together with during the breaks.

I'm trying to make a decision about the joining the local co-op classes. We did them last year, but it was a little stressful for me and I'm not sure I want to have that stress along with all of the other stress that I have? I can't decide.

Anyway, that's news from here. Summer is winding to a close and we are getting ready to start a Konos unit on Kings and Queens. Should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean by the kids wanting to get together with the public school kids during breaks, makes it very hard to do your own schedule, but not impossible. ;)
    We've never done coop classes. I've debated about it this year, but our group is about 30 miles away, and with gas prices, I just don't know.
