Friday, July 28, 2006

When to start, when to start?

The public schools are starting here on August 2nd. My oldest son is ready for us to start school too, but I'm not. I am still not sure what curriculum I'm going to use with him! Somebody please make a suggestion! For my younger kids, I have KONOS and my daughter has requested the Obedience unit, not because she wants to become more obedient, but because it has a subunit on Kings and Queens. I have no reason not to do that unit, so we'll do it. Now I'll probably sit and down and carefully write out a schedule that we won't follow, LoL.


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I came across your blog from Well Trained Mind and am so impressed with you! You have so much wonderful information!!!
    I thank you for all of it!!
    I am in Florida and public school starts July 31st. My dd 13, does 3 online courses and she will start Spanish II on Monday. I think I will start teaching her Saxon Algebra 1 then also.
    My ds 8 will start with reading and math.
    I enjoy reading about your days and homeschooling!!

  2. Would it work to combine and everyone do the Konos, just assign age-appropriate reports, etc. to your older son?

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    That's too early to start public school....don't you say?


  4. Wow, July 31st, August 2nd. Here in Vermont, the public schools start on August 30th!

  5. Yes, I think it is too early for school!

    Lynn, my main concern is accounting for his hours and getting all that high school stuff done. I'm not sure how we're going to go about it, whether we are going to keep records and make a transcript or get an umbrella-type school for it.
