Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I've got it all together.

Okay. Quit laughing. Clean whatever you were drinking off your computer screen. Someone actually said this about me the other day. Regarding our homeschooling style. I actually turned around to see if there was anyone behind me. Me? No way. It seems that because of some comments I made the other night at a homeschool meeting, someone thinks that I have it all together.

Overall, I do think things are going okay here at our house. Youngest son is progressing in writing, daughter is getting way better in spelling, oldest son is finally enjoying math. Those are big deals. We have learned a lot in our plant unit (including me) and had a lot of fun doing it. Still, we don't have it all together No one does. We have struggles just like anyone else. Cleaning the house is our major struggle here. Deciding on what to do each day is a biggie. Just now my oldest son came to me and said that what I asked him to read was "boring".

Still, it is better than it was when we were struggling with public school, getting up early, worrying about being tardy, struggling with homework that we didn't understand the purpose for, etc.

So, even though there is a rumor going around that we have it all together, be assured, we don't and you won't either, but enjoy the process as much as you can.