Monday, March 20, 2006

Homeschooling A Teen?

I have only been a homeschooler for about a year and a half. In that time, I've become quite the convert. I love the learning lifestyle, the time with the kids, the choices! It's very cool. I'm a little concerned about how to teach in the high school years, but I just read "Homeschooling for Success" and that helped me feel better about it. I'm going to let my oldest son read the chapters on homeschooling teens. There are so many options, it is incredible. Hopefully, we can keep from feeling paralyzed by the fact that there are some many choices, choose something to do and have a good time with it. Some of the benefits of homeschooling teens that are listed in this book include, less peer pressure, less stress, efficiency (homeschooled teens typically finish high school in 2 years, only working 2-4 hours a day), more time, ability to get work experience (because they have more time!) I wish I'd known about homeschooling when I was in high school. I really felt that it was a colossal waste of time and it seems that I was right!

How do homeschoolers do? See this link.


  1. My Big Sis is homeschooling my 2 teenaged nephews. She is a major inspiration to me! I know you can do it! *Smile*

  2. "Hopefully, we can keep from feeling paralyzed by the fact that there are some many choices, choose something to do and have a good time with it."

    Good point.

    Often in our society there is a tendency to look for the "right" answer. But often the right thing to do is to just look for a good answer. Out of fifty options there may be five to ten that are worth doing.
