Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Cuteness, Bread and Yeast in Space.

My youngest son came into my office area today and asked if he was cute. I told him that yes, I think he's cute. He said "Am I cute enough that you'll help me with my math?"

Today our lesson from our curriculum was about bread. Of course, we made bread. Any excuse to make homemade bread, right? It was very good. We also did an experiment with yeast that involved putting yeast, sugar and water in a bottle with a balloon covering the opening to see if the gas from the yeast would blow up the balloon. My youngest son thinks that the balloon, which has been blowing up more all day, will eventually blow off and shoot off into outer space like a rocket.

He was talking to me this afternoon about sending little yeasts into space in their own little rocket and of course, their own microscopic space suits! We could be the first homeschoolers to do that, although I don't know who is going to sew the suits!


  1. Hey... I do have experience in making Christmas costumes for Rosie's Little People... need a hand? *Chuckle*

  2. Sure, and bring your microscope too!
