Tuesday, February 21, 2006

One of those days.

We had one of those days yesterday. The kids were sick and the plumbing was overflowing. No formal schoolwork was done. My older son, poor thing, just sat around asking when he could take more motrin and checking his temperature. It was high all day, even with motrin. The two younger kids enjoyed watching the spectacle of having the septic tank emptied and kept giving me updates "They're digging a hole". "They're still digging!" I'm not sure how helpful that was, but they really enjoyed it. I guess I could ask them to do a notebook page on rural sewer systems ... maybe not. It is a good thing we started school early this year so we can take off some days without having to go all summer!


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    *God bless 'em*

  2. Sorry you're kids are sick. We've had plumbing problems lately too - it isn't fun.

  3. I'm through roaming... I am "home"! *Grin*
