Sunday, February 19, 2006

Unusual Rhymes.

We took off from school this week to watch the Olympics and do our olympic house cleaning project. Unfortunately, all three of the kids and myself have been ill most of the week and not much housecleaning has been done. I don't know whether to try again next week or go ahead and start back to school - maybe both. That will certainly make me win popularity contests around here, LoL.

In the tradition of teaching themselves when we don't do school, the two younger kids have been rhyming words a lot and making up poems and songs. Some of the more unusual rhymes I have heard have included orange/door hinge which they are very proud of, and macho/nacho, which, after you've heard it a few times, starts to bring up some very weird mental pictures. ;-)


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    LOL! Macho nacho brought up some very weird mental pictures the FIRST time I read it, LOL!

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Is that anything like the Frito Bandito? *LOL*
