Friday, October 14, 2005

Conversations with my 7-year-old.

The other day, my youngest son and I were walking in the woods to the clubhouse they are building. We have been discussing the theories of evolution and intelligent design in our house lately and he's been thinking about it. He said "If the theory of evolution is true, then Daddy still has some evolution to do." I suppressed my laughter and asked what he meant. He said "His arms are really long." Rest assured, my husband's knuckles do not rub the ground when he walks. ;-)

Tonight we watched "Three Wishes" on NBC for the first time. I thought it was very good and now I want to be on it. My son watched it for a while with me and then said "When are they going to be done with all the mushy stuff?!"


  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    ROFL on your DH's need to evolve some more! I bet my kids would say the same about their dad, as he is still quite furry...
