Friday, October 14, 2005

End of the Week.

We took a break from school this week to do the fall cleaning. We have done, so far, absolutely nothing related to fall cleaning. Nothing. I haven't felt well this week. We may have to take some more time off from school. We have some wonderful friends from out of town coming to visit and I would like to be able to entertain them in my house, not to mention that it just needs to be done. Sigh. I really don't like to clean. :-p

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    So don't clean. I would almost bet your "wonderful friends" would feel right at home in a not-so-clean house. In fact, you might even be able to convince said friends to email you a picture of their living room right now, and you would believe them when they told you that. :-)
