Monday, October 17, 2005


We are going to be a little bit more flexible with school this week. Last week we took one week of fall break and it wouldn't hurt, really, to take another because we started early this year and thus, have a lot of days already done. I've got quite a bit going on myself with a co-op that I have to teach on Friday. I've very nervous about it and so, probably, overcompensating by preparing too much. I'm also covering for someone at the kid's club on Wednesday and trying to do my fall cleaning. So, I'm going to let the kids be on their own a bit more this week. In order to get free shipping on another item, I bought a book called The Usborne Book of Science Experiments that actually comes with a kit with science experiments that they can do. I may let them do some of those this week and we are supposed to be doing a unit on the Civil War, so I picked up some Civil War books and videos at the library and I'll let them watch/read those. When my friends from out of town get here next week, we'll be going to the local Civil War museum so that will be a good field trip for this study. The kids also will be doing more than usual cleaning this week, which is home ec, right?

1 comment:

  1. I can't help it. I've never taught anything like this before. I'm a nervous wreck!
