Friday, September 23, 2005


We're studying the Rocky Mountain states now and learning a bit about bears. I'm starting to wish I was a bear, kinda. If I were a bear, I would have to be eating a lot this time of year, trying to gain weight. Then, I would go to sleep for a few months. While I was sleeping peacefully, I would be losing several pounds a week. I wouldn't even have to get up to go to the bathroom. Bear's bodies have a way of taking care of that. When I woke up in the spring, I'd be svelte and slim. They lose weight from stored fat and not from muscle, so they are still strong in the spring. Is that cool or what?



  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Can I be a bear with you? :-)

  2. Think they have any trouble getting the little bears to be stilll long enough to hibernate? I can picture mine now... LOL!

  3. I don't think I'd get much rest with my 3 little bears, LoL. Worth a try though.
