Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Pony Express.

In our studies of the United States, today we learned about the Pony Express. I read a bit about it and we learned that though the Pony Express went almost 2000 miles, it only crossed 2 states because most of the areas they went through were not states but territories. We learned about the Pony Express rider whose girlfriend held up doughnuts for him to spear as he went by (for lunch, I guess?) and we dramatized this with bikes instead of horses.

Course now our neighbors think we're weird ...


  1. *ROFL!* Was there ever any doubt? You did know that all of us homeschoolers are weird, right?

  2. True, but spearing doughnuts has got to be one of the weirder things, even for us. But it was fun and I don't think my kids are going to forget the Pony Express!

  3. Anonymous9:20 PM

    We read a good book about the Pony Express, called "Riding the Pony Express," by Clyde Robert Bulla. Luke and Toria have both read it and enjoyed it. Just thought I would add one for you to check out if you want to do more with the Pony Express. :-)
