Saturday, September 24, 2005

The Last Tomato.

I went out to pick the last of our home grown tomatoes this afternoon. It has not been a good year for our garden. It's been too dry and the garden has been dreadfully neglected this year. We've managed to have a few tomatoes, a couple of pumpkins and some watermelons that were kind of, well, bite-sized. (My daughter ate 2 watermelons in 1 sitting all by herself.) Anyway, the last tomato looked good, small, but good. I don't know how it was because I leaned over to pick it, stepped on one of the kids walking sticks, started to fall, almost fell on Shadow (the dog), tried desparately not to fall on him, twisted around and just managed to catch myself with the hand that was holding the last tomato of summer, squashing it beyond recognition. Nice.


  1. I think the tomato must have been bad and you weren't meant to eat it. Yeah, that's what you should tell yourself.

  2. *sigh*...

    *Do you grow what are called tommy-toes in your part of Kentucky?*

  3. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I hate it when that happens, LOL!
