Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Log Cabin

We're doing the unit on resourcefulness in the KONOS homeschool curriculum. In studying resourcefulness, we will study about pioneers, frontier life, simple machines and various other things. We are starting to read Little House in the Big Woods and one of the activities suggested building a log cabin. We actually live in the woods, so it seemed that we should actually build one. I thought that building one for our little dog would be a good size; enough to get some experience and get an idea of what the pioneers went through, but the kids want to make one big enough so that they can at least get inside it. We started today. I tell you, you can read about what people in the past did, but when you actually go outside, into the woods and start cutting and stripping limbs off of logs and trying to make those chinks in the ends so they will fit together, you actually get an appreciation of how difficult their lives were. Even if we never finish this cabin, we've learned some things today. We talked about the best place for the cabin, what the settlers would be able to find to eat here, about hunting and fishing, picking and canning. We've already made some jam and canned it, so we know a little about that. I can't believe how excited my kids are about this. They would have worked until dark if we hadn't had to go someplace tonight. Fun! So far, week 1, I love KONOS.


  1. We love "Little House in the Big Woods;" it lends itself to so many crafts and activities.

  2. I remember loving it when I was a little girl, so it is fun reading it to my kids.
