Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A change or two.

I re-did my picture of the dog eating the blackberries, because it was too big and was messing up my margins. So, there it is again, a bit smaller. Now that I have my camera files available, I might share a couple more pictures.

Another change we've had around here is that we have actually started school. The kids came to me yesterday and ASKED to start school already, so we've begun, slowly. We did notebook pages of Swiss Family Robinson, a little math and reading review, etc. I'm starting to think that I will spend the entire homeschooling career thinking and rethinking the schedules and subjects. It seems to be all I have done since we started. :-(

My oldest son wants to do seventh grade and eighth grade this year so he can catch up, kind of. I held him back a year from starting kindergarten and apparently he's a bit self conscious about it. His birthday is September 27th and the cutoff for starting kindergarten was that they had to be 5 by October 1st. He would have barely made it, but I didn't think he was ready to start kindergarten at 4, so we didn't start him that year. Now, he wants to make that year back up. I think he can do it.

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