Tuesday, May 24, 2005

TV/ Video Game Limits.

I want the kids to play outside more this summer. I want them to get more exercise. That is my goal for them. Possibly I went about it the wrong way, but I announced the new summer schedule today. We have a few hours of homeschooling to finish, so my plan is to do about 1/2 an hour every day, one on one with each child, so that they will not forget over the summer and to strictly limit TV and video game time so that they will be forced to be more creative about what to do. My preteen now thinks that he is going to die, that this is going to be the most boring, awful summer that anyone ever had to endure, that his mom has got to be the worst mom in the world ... (okay, he didn't say that, but it was implied). Sigh.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    No, no, I am the worst mom in the world! I'm doing pretty much the same thing, with the added caveat that all misdeeds by Luke will result in loss of Game Cube for 24 hours.

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I got tired of having the neighborhood in our house playing video games this winter, so I made the rule "No video games unless it's dark or raining outside". This is easy for the kids to follow. I know they can get sucked into the video games, but once they actually get outside they have more fun than they realized was possible. I think it really "pains" them when they get on the TV or Video Game, and THEN they have to get off. That's the hard part. Perhaps your preteen would enjoy only one full day a week of the TV/games. I let mine play educational computer games if there are no friends around. Or, maybe your preteen could earn his TV priviledges by doing additional chores for you. Don't get discouraged, you'll find something that works for both of you.
