Monday, May 23, 2005

More on Clutter.

I brought home a book from the library about clutter called "Cut the Clutter and Stow the Stuff". It is very interesting. I found out some things about my clutter style. I even found out that my mom is a vicarious clutterer since she buys things at yard sales that end up cluttering my house. Now I know why I can never leave her house unless my arms are full of stuff. I found out that I am a tosser. I'm married to an accumulator and we have 3 little accumulators who live with us. I have learned a lot, however, so far, the book itself has not gotten up off my desk and cleared out any of the clutter, organized or cleaned anything. I think that is kind of what I hoped it would do when I brought it home. :-)


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    My mom does the same thing with craft supplies she never used, weird little decorative things we have nowhere to put, books and papers from when I was in school (not necessarily mine, mind you), and other silly things. Arrrgh!

  2. Are all moms like that? I hope I won't do that to my kids when they grow up!

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Oh my gosh!
    My mom does this. I always joke that she doesn't give anything to goodwill it all comes to my house.
    I give it to goodwill.

