Wednesday, April 13, 2005

What Do I Need To Homeschool?


Keep in mind that this is my first year homeschooling, actually we've just begun, but I've been looking at curriculum and reading everything I can get my hands on and I think that the most important thing that you need is the belief that you can do this. I think that you can have a job or not have a job to work around, have a college degree or not, have money to spend on it or not and still homeschool successfully. You can work around a work schedule, splitting schooling with your spouse and/or working in the evenings. In some states it is legal for a grandparent or other adult to do a portion of the schooling. You can spend money on a packaged curriculum new or buy used or use resources from the library and/or internet. The possibilities are endless.

Check out this site for help if you are beginning.


  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    You forgot one essential ingredient for home schooling. You have to like your children most of the time. If you don't, it will just be an endless chore and neither you nor the children will enjoy it. Of course, if you don't like your children, then you need to ask yourself why, and you might want to home school just to correct the problems that make you not like them to begin with. :-)

  2. It is true you need to like them and enjoy being around them which I mostly do, but today ... not so much. Everyone was talking at once, Daniel was not feeling well so he was whining. We had fun at the beginning of the day with the book study, but then it kind of deteriorated.

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Oh, there are days when I don't like mine, and other days when I just crave silence. Something is in the air lately, I think, because mine have all been needing my attention at the exact same time this week, and they have completely forgotten their manners in asking for it, sigh.
