Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Number The Stars - Literature Unit Study

We have begun reading the book Number the Stars by Lois Lowry and we are on chapter 7. It isn't a long book, only about 160 pages. I can't praise Mr. Cornish's web site enough. He's done a great job with the worksheets, background info, etc. The kids and I have been talking about historical fiction, separating fact from fiction, bravery, friendship, ethics (whether it is okay to lie sometimes) and we have referred to the map a lot, looking for countries and cities. Tomorrow, we are putting up a timeline to keep track of all the historical novels that we are going to be reading in the next few weeks. I haven't decided what the next one might be.


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Have you read "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" yet? Or how about "Johnny Tremaine?"

  2. No, this is actually our first literature unit. We're always reading, but haven't done it as our main focus before.

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    "Sadako..." would be the same time period as "Number the Stars," I think - WWII. "Johnny Tremaine" is American History, Revolutionary War. The kids would meet quite a few of the main characters from that time period in our country's history. Go browse at, and you may come up with something! :-)
