Friday, April 29, 2005

Rambling Thoughts About Various Unrelated Things.


We have a bunch of educational games that we like to play at least a couple of times a week. We have word games like UpWords, Quiddler and My Word, math games like Yahtzee and Racko and thinking games like chess (which everyone in my house knows how to play except me!). We also have some educational computer games that the kids play, like the Reader Rabbit series, etc. Still, a part of me feels like if they are playing games they can't possibly be learning, you know what I mean? I guess somehow along the line, I've internalized that learning is serious stuff? Still, I've read that playing games is good and I enjoy it so we are going to keep it in the schedule.

I think I may need to do a unit on consumerism or commercialism or something like that. My youngest child is absolutely facinated with infomercials. He is absolutely convinced that I should by a Chocolate Factory and a Smart Spin (or something like that) and tries to convince me every time one of those commercials comes on. With a credit card, that boy would be dangerous! We'd have every gadget in the world!

As you can probably tell, we aren't participating in TV free week this week. I think it is an excellent idea, but we never actually do it. The only time we have been TV free is during a snowstorm when the electricity was out and last year when we went to a campground for 3 days. The cabin we were in didn't have a TV. I just don't have the willpower. :-P

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    TV free week? I didn't even know it was this week. lol You know we didn't partake in it. We just got our satelite turning back on I think the end of Jan. There has been lots of time we haven't had satelite or cable. Dh used it for his games. We've grown attached a little to it since, we've discovered the learning channels on it. Now, we consider it an assest on our bad homeschooling days.
