Friday, April 29, 2005


Why do I have this blog? I work at home. I school at home. So, basically, I don't get out much! LoL. I love the thought of communicating with people, expressing my ideas and having my own little publication, my own voice. Please, if you don't mind, leave a comment so I'll be able to get to know who is reading.

Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Hi! I check in periodically after seeing your link on a post to LouisvilleHS. I also have a blog, and I write because I need someplace to put the thoughts that often write themselves in my head. I click on all your links when I visit so I hope that it registers that for you at AdSense.
    It's nice to check in on another homeschooler and see what you're up to even if I don't know you personally. Maybe we'll meet sometime.

  2. Thanks for stopping in! I am going to visit your blog too. I have been to some of the gym days at Southeast so maybe we have met?
