Monday, April 18, 2005

My Homeschool Curriculum Reviews.

This is my first year homeschooling, but I do actually have some reviews to post. I started out getting Saxon Math, a homeschool staple, and both 2 older kids complained about it so much that I went out and bought cheap math books at Barnes and Noble. Then they whined about those too, so figure it is just a "whine about math" thing they do. Right now, I am getting math pages off of the EdHelper site, and using those for everyone. They have tons. I do think it is worth the $20.00 yearly subscription.

I also bought The Story of the World by Susan Bauer and we read a couple of those, from ancient history up until recent times. I didn't use the activity books but we loved the storybook type history and we did a lot of activities that I found on the internet. To go along with The Story of the World, we really enjoyed Laurie Carlson's books, More than Moccasins, Westward Ho and Classical Kids. We did a ton of fun activities out of those books, including making Roman sandals and togas, making bread, making a little western purse and Greek necklaces. We loved those books. I see on that she also has one on gardening now. I would love to get that one!

At someone's suggestion, I bought Draw, Write, Now for my younger son who does not like to write and does not write well. He wasn't crazy about it, but his sister loved it. She loves all kinds of drawing books and will work and draw things for hours with any kind of book like that. We no longer use it as a textbook for him, but she still likes it and draws things from it occasionally. I also bought A Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills for each child and they're pretty good.


  1. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Katy will be using two of Susan Bauer's Story of the World books this coming year. She'll be using Ancient TImes and Middle Ages, I think. I wonder if I should look into the activity books for them? Did you use either of those two? She will also be using Saxon math 87 next year, since she has finished Horizons math (it only goes to 6th grade), and while it dosn't look exciting, the DIVE CD she is going to use with it looks interesting. Guess we'll see. With Sonlight, though, the real highlight of the program is all the nifty REAL books she gets to read. They arrived on Sat., and you should've heard her oohing and aahing over them, LOL!

  2. I bought one of the Story of the World activity books and then resold it on ebay. I wasn't that impressed with the activities it had in it. We loved reading the story though.
