Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Library Day

Yesterday was supposed to be library day. I planned it (in a rare event of planning for me) for a Monday morning because I am off work on Monday and I figured there wouldn't be too many people in the library children's area. I thought it would be a great time to show the kids how to use the card catalog and how to find books on the shelves, based on the Dewey decimal system. Our library is 2 stories, the downstairs is the adult area and the upstairs is the children's area. Unfortunately, there is only 1 card catalog dedicated computer upstairs and someone else got to it first. There was a university student there who had thought that Monday morning would be a good time to have the computer card catalog completely to herself. We spent an hour or so browsing the shelves and letting the kids play on the game computers but didn't get to have so much as a look at the card catalog. So much for planning.

Today, we are going to dig into fractions and start our new book, which we will do by vote because I came home from the library with 3 choices yesterday, Sarah Plain and Tall, Anne of Green Gables and Maniac McGee. My oldest son is very much in favor of Maniac McGee, even though he's read it before. I guess the others sound too girly. I am particularly interested in Anne of Green Gables since her last name is Shirley and that is a family name of ours. We could do a little geneology.

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