Friday, April 08, 2005

Mad Libs/ Schoohouse Rock


Yesterday, I was in a contemplative mood, wondering about my approach to schooling and open to possibilities. Of course, the kids could somehow tell and they talked me into doing Mad Libs instead of a grammar worksheet. Mad Libs aren't the best for teaching all of the parts of speech, but for nouns, adjectives and verbs, they can't be beat. My youngest, who is in first grade, knows all about nouns, verbs and adjectives from Schoolhouse Rock and consequently, has to sing either the noun song "a noun is a person, place or thing, do-de-do-de-do-do" or "unpack your adjectives" or "verb, that's what's happening", before he answers. My daughter was in a very silly mood and kept giving us words like "Barbie" and "underwear" and the results were so hilarious that someone in the family (I'm not saying who) actually had to change their underwear when we were done.

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