Thursday, April 07, 2005

Literature Study/ Unit Study


I talked with the kid about our lack of enthusiasm lately and we've decided to do a unit study on Lois Lowry's book, "Number the Stars". I've read it and it is very good. I think we will chart it on the timeline, find it on the map, see if we can make a dish from that time and place, etc. Just thinking what direction to go in has given us some enthusiasm. We will start it on Monday.

Here's the web site I will start with.


  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Will you include all three kids? It looks like a good book, but maybe tough to explain some of the realities of the Holocaust to the younger kids. Let us know how it goes.

  2. Yes, I'll include all three of them. It addresses the holocaust but not so much that kids totally can't handle it. The author handles it very well. She focuses on the Danish resistance to the war and how they were able to save almost the entire Jewish population of Denmark.
