Friday, April 01, 2005

A Chip On The Window


To get my husband for April fools this morning, the kids and I put a big corn chip on the back glass door and then told him there was a chip on the door and he should go look. He got kind of annoyed till he saw where they had written "April Fool" on the glass with those window FX markers and the chip hanging there. It was cute. Let me tell you from experience it is difficult to tape a corn chip to a window. They're too salty. :-)


  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    LOL! I can see your DH being annoyed, then getting a good laugh out of it when all was said and done. That is like my oldest daughter telling me she had a "diamond pin" for me this morning. When I opened the package (expecting to see a fake diamond pin of some sort), there was a "dime and pin" in it, LOL!

  2. Good one Katy! Did she come up with it on her own? We didn't. We got it off the Family Fun site. I love that website!

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I think it came from American Girl, either their website or the magazine.
