Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fool!


I surprised the youngest kid with the unsolvable maze that I printed from the Family Fun website and for the older two, I printed out a fake test that I found on line. It said on the first question that they should read all the questions before proceeding, then on the last question it told them they didn't have do anything but read it all. Then questions 2-9 had them doing silly things like drawing two squares in the corner of their paper, writing their birthdate in another corner of the paper, etc. They were a little stressed about testing at first but then they got started. Of course both of them drew the little squares and all the other silly little things. We had a good laugh about it afterwards. I think it would have been funnier if the things that they had to do included things like clapping their hands and doing a little dance ... might have to do that next year. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Thanks for the pointer to the unsolveable mazes. I did those with my kids, plus a couple others I found on that site. (They still haven't seen the signs on their doors...) :-)
