Thursday, April 21, 2005

Homeschooling and Housecleaning.

As part of our homeschool day, we do chores. I've been teaching the kids how to do things like load the dishwasher and do the laundry. I'm afraid I'll jinx it by writing this, but my daughter loves doing laundry. She does a good job and doesn't forget the fabric softener. She is doing a load right now, for FUN! Can you believe it? I can't but I am not questioning it. She asked me a few minutes ago if she could go laundry and I said "okay, I guess." I mean I don't want to get too excited about it, in case that might make her stop ... :-) My dream now is for the boys to really decide that they love doing the dishes. Hey, a woman can dream.

Once on the way home from a shopping trip with my best friend, who is single with no kids, I made the ridiculous statement "Hey, maybe DH cleaned the house while I was gone!" to which she replied, "Hey, maybe my cat cleaned my house too!" Yeah, just about as likely. :-)

Just kidding DH, if you are reading this ;-)


  1. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Yeah, I am reading this!

  2. My daughter went threw a spell where she loves doing laundry too. She begged and pleaded Please Mommy teach me how. She is 12 soon to be 13. So I taught her. She loved it. Then because she loved it I switched her chore to that and the other daughter I taught to do dishes. Now my oldest hated the laundry. She doesnt do it all by herself neither. I caint get her to do it for anything. So to try to get out of it she has ruined 3 loads of laundry. The funny part... most of the cloths were hers. LOL. So now she is running around with a few pair of blue jeans with red lipstick stains on them because she washed her lipstick ( which she isnt suppose to have) in her pocket.

  3. My daughter went threw a spell where she loves doing laundry too. She begged and pleaded Please Mommy teach me how. She is 12 soon to be 13. So I taught her. She loved it. Then because she loved it I switched her chore to that and the other daughter I taught to do dishes. Now my oldest hated the laundry. She doesnt do it all by herself neither. I caint get her to do it for anything. So to try to get out of it she has ruined 3 loads of laundry. The funny part... most of the cloths were hers. LOL. So now she is running around with a few pair of blue jeans with red lipstick stains on them because she washed her lipstick ( which she isnt suppose to have) in her pocket.

  4. Anonymous12:15 PM

    My oldest daughter loves to do laundry, too. She claims it's quiet in the basement laundry room. Dang, she's on to me! LOL!

    Hi Anonymous! How are you doing? My DH comments on my blog. too. :-)
