Sunday, June 14, 2020

Still alive!

I had some kind of weird, weird virus and a UTI and have felt so, so bad the last few days.  I had a fever of 100-101 for 4 days, sweating the whole time, but it has finally subsided.  Thank goodness.  I still feel bad and weak, but the fever is gone and I've been cleared by employee health at my company to go back to work tomorrow.   (yay)   I'm so glad that's over.  My quarantine time of 48 hours alone in my bedroom while waiting for the test to be back has taught me some fear/respect for this virus and what it can do to your life so I'm not feeling anxious anymore to get back out there.  I'm sure my need to see people will be strong again soon and I'll get out there, but I tell you, it put the fear into me.  I'm going to appreciate being able to socialize with my 3 people, my dog and 6 cats here at home for a while! 

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