Friday, June 12, 2020


I got up Wednesday feeling okay but then sometime during the day, things went downhill.  I started throwing up and I started having really bad muscle aches and pains.  I guess it's a muscle ache, I don't know.  My back hurts in a very strange way and sometimes my neck and sometimes my head.  My temperature ranges from 99.9 under my arm, to 100.7.   So, I had to call my job and let them know that I couldn't come into work and according to their protocols, I had to be Covid-19 tested and quarantine myself until I get the results back in 3-5 days.  So I'm in my bedroom.   All the time now.   I'm trying to stay sane by making a to-do list, even a small one, to feel like I'm accomplishing something.  My family brings me food and occasionally someone will come to the door and talk to me for a minute.   My sickness was ill-timed because it was my sons' birthday yesterday and he was going to have friends over, just a few, to celebrate.  I feel so bad about that.   No telling how long it will be before he gets to see his friends again now, especially if I have already spread this to my family.   So, fun times.

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